Chris and I met a number of years ago. We became instant friends and have worked together on a number of projects. This is from a live Facebook chat we did and I wasn’t expecting this endorsement from him. You can find the link to the entire chat (over 2 hours) on the blog page.
My wife and I had the privilege of spending an evening being taught by Nick Meacher on preparedness. For some time I had been feeling an urgency about being ready for national/local events such as natural disasters, civil unrest, extended power outages, etc. I met Nick at a special event and was impressed with his knowledge on preparedness so I reached out for training. Nick has all the bases covered. From food, water, emergency communications, backing up documents, go bags, checklists, how to join a group to pool resources, and much more, Nick outlined what we need to do and the priorities for each step. For the first time, I feel prepared for whatever emergency comes our way, knowing the essentials are in place. In today’s world, if your’e not prepared ahead of time, when the need arises, it’s already too late. I highly recommend Mr. Meacher’s knowledge and resources for your peace of mind in today’s uncertain times.
Steve K
Denver, CO