Family & Personal Preparedness

Are you stuck, frustrated or overwhelmed with where to start, or where to go next, in your family preparedness?
One size does not fit all. Your family is unique, while your situation might be similar to others it is different. Templates offer a place to start but you need the right information that works for your situation.
I can help you; from doing an assessment of the hazards you might need to prepare for, determining your level of preparedness, mapping out an improvement plan, developing your family plan or communications plan.
Continuity Planning and Exercises

If you have a business you know how important it is to be able to keep the lights on and keep production moving. Disasters and emergencies can interrupt your business, and your revenue, not to mention your customers might go elsewhere.
Governments at all levels recognize the important of continuity planning, for government its called Continuity of Government (COG). For other organizations its known as Continuity of Operations (COOP). The function is the same, to continue to provide your essential functions or services.
This is where I can help you. Holding a FEMA Master Continuity Practitioner as well as a Master Exercise Program certification I have developed plans for all levels of organizations, including a large international airport with a complex organizational structure.

But developing a plan is just part of a solution. You have to exercise that plan to see if it will work. As an Master Exercise practitioner I have developed and evaluated hundreds of exercises from tabletops to complex full scale exercises.
If you have a plan I can help you evaluate it. If I need to help you develop a plan then we will exercise it to make sure it will meet your needs.