There are repeaters in Florida that are on both the F-DARN and the Interstate networks.
These are:
- Clermont (Lake Co)
- Dade City & Dade City South (Pasco Co)
- Polk City (Polk Co)
- Welcome (Hillsborough Co)

The timeslot and talkgroup configurations are in the tables below.
The column indicates the talkgroup name. The number in brackets is the talkgroup (TG) number.
The green box indicates “full time” (FT) and therefore you will hear that talkgroup regardless of whether you have digital monitoring on. The yellow box indicates push-to-talk and the timeout time in minutes. There are others available push-to-talk talkgroups, only a select few are shown.
Time Slot 1
The F-DARN talkgroups are in TS 1.
There are only connections to the main F-DARN TG and F-DARN TAC 1.
There is a discrepancy on the TG # for F-DARN TAC 1 – F-DARN web site lists it as 8010 and the Interstate matrix (where the table is generated from) shows 8800

Time Slot 2
The SC PA (south central PA) (TG 31423) is the group of repeaters that I am usually listening to. You cannot connect to that ‘cluster’ from a MMDVM but you can from another repeater on the Interstate system, and therefore you can from Florida.