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Updated: 2023-05-29 This was originally a white paper I wrote for the Advanced Emergency Management Academy, in July 2021. I've since updated it with additional information on satellite capabilities as well as the ham radio Hamshack Hotline VoIP capabilities. I have presented this at the Statewide Advisory Committee on Preparedness, April 2023. The Power point presentation is available at the bottom of this page. Note this is in a pdf therefore the animation doesn't show the "layers" where there are multiple images on the slides. I'm available to give this presentation to groups. ABSTRACT Every incident, major event or response relies on communications. The ability to present a common operating picture, to order and direct resources, to provide public information, alerting and warning information to policy and senior leadership all require the ability to communication information in one form or another. Nearly all the day-to-day communications systems require infrastructure, including fiber cable connectivity and radio towers for both land-mobile radio systems and cellular. All this infrastructure depends on another critical infrastructure, power. A failure in any part can cripple your communications.Having alternative methods and system is critical in any emergency response and emergency management organization as well as any...