Regardless of your political leanings, what fictional (sorry, news) or social media outlets you choose to watch you can’t have missed what happened in Kenosha last night. Some are asking “Is this the first shot of the next civil war?”
Unlike MSM I’m not going to get into what might or might not have happened – there is more than enough video out there for you to search and see all of it yourself and make your own hypothesis (not conclusions that MSM will present with very carefully edited video). Suffice it to say that the 2nd Amendment gives you the right to protect yourself if you feel your life is in imminent danger and the Supreme Court of the U.S. has stated that police do not have a duty to protect you, the citizen! As the saying goes; “I’d rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.”
My point here is that if you don’t have a plan for your family you had better wake up!
In Colorado we have some of the largest wildfires in years, I-70 through Colorado and the Rocky Mountains has been closed from mile marker 116-133 for several weeks and won’t open any time soon. Even after the wildfires are out they are going to have to inspect miles of roadway and bridges for structural damage and then repairs might need to be made. This means detours of 4+ hours over roads that are not suitable for tractor trailers and already people have followed their GPS units and ended up on trailer only suitable for specially equipped off-road 4-wheel vehicles.
Then of course California is burning, again!
On the Gulf and east coasts it’s hurricane season, with two storms that hit the Gulf coast yesterday. Hurricane season is just beginning and it is usually September that we see more significant storms.
So, You’d Better Have a Plan, With Triggers, That Allows You & Your Family to Evacuate Immediately, Maintain Communications and Accountability & Be Situationally Aware

The current ‘climate’ in EVERY city and town just requires one tiny spark to go from a nice quiet place to a raging inferno, with businesses and livelihoods destroyed in just a matter of hours. And it appears that there is very little that Joe citizen can do about it. Law enforcement is out numbered and out maneuvered (because the other side has their intelligence, COMINT and rapid response or QRF units organized and they have a reliable logistics network. Vehicles are being stopped loaded with guns and medical supplies, which by itself is not an offense. We have seen in other recent riots where supplies of bricks and other projectiles, including IED’s, and being strategically placed.
So your plan better include intelligence gathering and monitoring, it better include trigger events when you have agreed with your family and group that pre-panned actions need to be taken. It better include a communications plan so you can all keep in touch and not leave anyone behind.
Check out the main pages for ‘how to’ on
- developing a plan
- determining triggers and actions
- developing a communications plan
- basic intelligence gathering to include COMINT
Seek out quality firearms training. In Colorado I highly recommend the Able Shepherd program. I know Jimmy personally and this is a top class practical program. You know everyone is stocking up and preparing if you have tried to buy any ammunition laterly, if you can even find it the prices have gone up considerably and there are quantity purchase limits.
Seek out quality medic training, not your basic first aid class, but how to deal with traumatic injuries. Skinny Medic has excellent kits and supplies and courses as well as a YouTube channel. I am looking at videoing a class on tourniquet application as well as the M.A.R.C.H. assessment and making it available soon so keep checking back.
Subscribe to intelligence reports, for events and incidents that not in the ‘news’ so you are aware of what is going on. Angery American, author of Going Home series, provide a weekday intelligence brief for his Patreon subscribers.
Learn how to do your own area intelligence, what to look for, how to track it. I highly recommend the Area Intelligence and Intel Bookcamp courses from Forward Observer. You never know who is already scoping out your area so they know who and what is where. In fact I’m aware of a group who appears to be scoping out a small community not too far from me.