Mutual Assistance Groups (MAGs) What are they? Why you NEED them Who you need in them How to find them and any other questions you might have Plus a 25% discount code with all proceeds going to help a friend rebuild
Author: Nick Meacher
Helping a friend
Many of you probably know what happened to Chris, Angery American, last Thursday. For those that don’t there was a fire in Chris’s office/storage area and it destroyed 30 years of work, memorabilia, all his prep’s, all his firearms, hundred’s of thousands of rounds of ammunition, all his knives, rucks, all his books, inventory, patches,…
Big Daddy Unlimited Affiliate
I’m please to announce I now have an affiliate program with BDU. BDU carries thousands of items at prices you can’t find anywhere else. They are also building an ammunition manufacturing plant and as a member you will be able to sign up for a set amount of ammo a month and be guaranteed delivery….
Food – Tue 16th 7pm MST
LIVE TUESDAY 16th 7pm MST We’ll look at freeze dried, MRE’s, canned and canning. We’ll also touch on sources for bulk buying and re-packing yourself for long term storage. We’ll take a look at a couple of the different ’emergency food kits’ that you can but.If we get time we’ll discuss some inventorying methods, both…
Live from 2021-2-3
We talk about a Family Contingency Binder, IFAK and the large medical bag.Still have posters on sale discount FLASHFTTP50 as well as the medical cards and OTP generators.
The 24×36 Preparedness Master Mind Map and the PREP-CON Mind Map are on sale for 50% off until noon on Wednesday. Use discount code FLASHFFtP50 If you decipher this there is an extra 10% ie 60% off 🙂 The OTP is on our MeWe page (and others) at 27086 65131 57780 98375 7150678294 96802 63622…
Live 2021-01-11
For Patrons and those who have purchased the One Time Pad (OTP) Generator. We will do a quick review of how to encrypt and decrypt and then discuss how to incorporate into your communications plan. Bring your questions. Hope to see you all tonight
What Is Freedom?
This is a video recently made by Egard Watches, you need to watch and share this.
Why Do I Need a Ham License?
I was asked this question on a social media post and its a blog I’ve been meaning to do so here was my answer. The FCC regulates the airwaves in the U.S. corporations, businesses, cell phone companies, etc. pay a lot, and I mean a LOT of money to have licenses and access to frequency…
Created by a member. 15162 72205 22730 41570 6814954035 31220 18302 66211 8682132248 84035 20532 82241 1345103092 65328 90415 20436 4948332036 44641 89361 51394 5633963978 20927 92640 81065 5072266424 27878 01844 63249 When you think you have it decrypted send a picture of your work and answer to [email protected] to see if you are correct….