Many of you probably know what happened to Chris, Angery American, last Thursday. For those that don’t there was a fire in Chris’s office/storage area and it destroyed 30 years of work, memorabilia, all his prep’s, all his firearms, hundred’s of thousands of rounds of ammunition, all his knives, rucks, all his books, inventory, patches, his mule, everything. Even severe fire damage to his truck.
Chris is responsible for many people becoming better prepared. He brought me into writing for Survival Dispatch, he encouraged me to build my web site and to start writing my fiction book and is probably responsible for a lot of you finding me.
Chris is makes a modest living from his books and other stuff, not a lot by any means. It’s taken 30 years to build what he had, just like you and me, by putting a little aside every month. He would be the first to give you the shirt off his back if something happened to a friend.
A number of us have already shipped rucks, medical supplies, MRE’s, radios and more from our preps. Additionally a Go Fund Me page has been set up to help Mel and Chris start to recover from this devastating loss. I will also donate all profits from any sales over the next 2 months to the fund. If you can contribute even a few bucks it all helps.
The Go Fund Me is at
Thank you in advance.